What to Wear in a Sauna

close up of a woman's torso covered in sweat

If you’re wondering what to wear in an infrared or traditional sauna, the answer is as little as possible. The best option is to go without any clothing, however if you’re sharing the sauna with others in a public setting that won’t be possible. Let’s learn how to prepare for and get the most from your sauna session. 

What to Wear While You Sauna

If you’re not able to sauna in your birthday suit, the next best option is to wear as little clothing as possible. Anything you wear in the sauna should be loose, light, breathable and easily removable like a light cotton shirt and shorts. Infrared saunas work by heating up your body with light while a traditional sauna heats the room and may also include steam. 

Since you sweat through the pores of your skin, it’s best to avoid wearing anything that inhibits sweating such as clothing made from non-breathable materials, clothing that is dirty or restrictive, or wearing unnecessarily heavy layers. Bring a clean towel to sit on and a smaller hand towel to wipe sweat from your face as needed.

Before and After Your Sauna Session 

Always take a shower before you sauna to remove makeup, lotion and anything that could clog the pores of your skin. The heat and steam from the shower will also help open up your pores for better sweating. Make sure you’ve had a good meal and are hydrated before you begin. Before you sweat you can also dry brush to help stimulate your lymphatic system and remove dry dead skin. 

Remove jewelry and aim to leave electronics behind as they can be affected by heat and sweat. Using a sauna is an opportunity to be stress-free and not worry about notifications on your phone. Bring some water ideally with electrolytes as your body will be losing water through sweating. Grab your towel/s and go barefoot or wear sandals that can be easily removed once you’re seated in the sauna. 

You’ll want to take a shower after your sauna session to wash away the sweat. Make sure to bring comfortable loose fitting clothing to put on after as your body will remain hot and maybe sweaty for a while afterwards. Continue to hydrate and enjoy the post sauna warmth and glow! 

If you’re interested in learning more about saunas, give us a call at 970-879-4390 or contact us here