Can You Put Epsom Salt in a Hot Tub?

close up of a wooden spoon filled with salt

You’ve likely asked yourself if you can put epsom salt in a hot tub? While Epsom salts are soothing and perfectly safe for your bathtub, unfortunately they don’t work well in hot tubs. Let’s learn why it’s not a good idea to put Epsom salt in your hot tub and discover some safer alternatives. 

Can You Put Epsom Salt in a Hot Tub?

Epsom salts are a mildly acidic alkaline compound of magnesium sulphate, and adding them to your hot tub can quickly disrupt the alkalinity and pH balance of the water. Unbalanced water means your tub may no longer be sanitary, which puts you at risk for skin infections, and the salt itself can also irritate your skin. Salt also causes corrosion of your equipment which damages metal parts, plastic pieces, seals, gaskets, etc.

When using a regular bathtub that holds around 80 gallons of water, the standard recommendation is to add 2 cups of Epsom salt. The average hot tub holds 400-500 gallons so reaching the same concentration level would require 10-12 cups of salt. Bathtubs also drain quickly so those solids don’t build up but hot tubs aren’t meant to be drained after each use. 

To avoid scale buildup, manufacturers recommend draining and refilling a hot tub when the total level of dissolved solids (TDS) reaches 1500+ ppm. Adding 10-12 cups of Epsom salt to your tub would quickly raise the TDS reading past the maximum threshold. Heaters sustain the most damage from scale buildup, but water lines, jets, pumps and tub surfaces can also accumulate if proper water balance isn’t maintained.

Hot Tub Safe Alternatives to Epsom Salt 

Rather than pouring pounds and pounds of Epsom salt into your spa and risking long-term damage to the tub, plumbing and equipment, why not try a safe and effective alternative instead? Hot tub aromatherapy products offer many of the same benefits as Epsom salt, in fact most use magnesium sulphate as the primary ingredient, but the key difference is that these crystals are specially formulated for use in spas and hot tubs. 

Most spa crystals are infused with vitamins, minerals, moisturizing nutrients and natural herbs and botanicals, and you only need small quantities to achieve the same relaxing effects. Plus, they don’t negatively alter water chemistry or cause problems with your spa equipment. There are also alternatives to aromatherapy crystals that promote the same therapeutic benefits but again are formulated specifically for your hot tub.

Spa elixirs help you to relax while soaking and also soften the water and moisturize your skin. Revolutionary new spa bombs also offer the same benefits as the increasingly popular bath bombs, however, unlike standard bath bombs, these special spa bombs won’t damage your hot tub equipment, alter the water chemistry, or clog up your filter.

Keep Epsom salt for your bathtub or foot bath where you drain and replace the water with every use, and reach for spa specific alternatives if you want a similar experience in your hot tub. If you have questions about caring for your tub give us a call at 970-879-4390 or contact us here